Young babies are given the special, individual attention they need in our baby room which has feeding, sleep and play facilities

Babies experience a range of activities both indoors and outdoors. Experienced staff cater for each child’s individual needs working in partnership with parents and carers to ensure that all children’s care routines are followed. Areas of particular enjoyment are shared with parents on a regular basis. Staff are able to support children through their developmental transitions by planning and observing to ensure each individuals needs are met.

Be informed

Each baby has a daily sheet, where staff record details that parents/carers need to be informed about, such as activities your baby enjoyed, nappy changes, sleep and feeds.


Babies are encouraged to grow and develop by exploring their environment both indoors and outdoors through messy and soft play and a wide variety of sensory toys and equipment.

Flexible Routines

Flexible routines allow babies to rest sleep and feed in a relaxed atmosphere.