19th June– Tamsin Photography will be in the setting. If your child already attends on this day they will automatically photographed. If your child does not attend on this day and you would like them to be photographed you can bring them into nursery between 10-11am.
8th July– Preschool Parents Evening 4-6pm. Please return your slip to the office to receive your appointment.
9th July– Baby and Toddler Parents Evening 4-6pm. Please return your slip to the office to receive your appointment.
19th July– Preschool graduation party for school leavers 4.30-5.30pm. If you would like to book a place for your child please inform the office.
22nd July- 30th August– Non-Funded weeks for children receiving 15 hours funding.
12th August-30th August– Non-Funded weeks for children receiving 30 hours funding.