Parents Letter July 2024
All staff are safeguard trained and we have four staff that have designated safeguard training, it is our duty of care to record and report any concerns that we may have. We follow the policies and procedures set out by the Warwickshire safeguarding team. If we have a concern, this will be recorded on a green form, you will be notified if we complete a green form for your child, should this not cause any risk of harm. Any green forms will transition with your child should they move to a different setting and when they progress into school.
We are also here to offer advice and support to children and their families, please feel free to contact us at any time if you feel you may benefit from some extra support or would just like to discuss any worries or concerns you may have. You may also seek advice via the FIS family information service.
Please ensure with the weather being so unpredictable that your child is provided with appropriate clothing. They will need a coat for outdoor play and outdoor shoes/wellies. For warmer days please ensure children have a sunhat and suncream. If you send your child to nursery in shorts, it may be worth providing a pair of trousers as an alternative in their bag. Children access the outdoors throughout the year in all weathers therefore, appropriate clothing is very important.
Car parking
When dropping off/collecting children please use the nursery car park located at the rear of the premises. When parking please ensure that you park respectfully and do not block the driveway that provides access to the houses. We are aware that the car park is becoming increasingly bumpy due to the holes, we are in contact with the landlord to try and resolve this issue. The car park gates will be closed between busy periods 9-11.15am and 1.15-3pm. If you arrive and the gates are locked please phone the nursery mobile and we will open the gates for you.
Internet safety
We are aware that children in early years are becoming more digitally savvy with their use of digital devices being a commonplace with apps such as youtube kids being a destination of choice for many children. All early years settings have a duty to ensure that children are protected from potential harm both within and beyond the learning environment. Please ensure that your children are watching appropriate content at home. You can support keeping your child safe online by;
Always supervise children when they access the internet
Ensure safety and privacy settings are at the highest level
Set age appropriate time limits
Check websites, apps and search results
Model safe internet use and language
Please use the handwashing station provided next to the outdoor shed to wash your child’s hands prior to coming into nursery to reduce the spread of infection.
Children’s bags/belongings
Please ensure that you provide a bag for your child with any items they may require during their session at nursery. This should include; spare clothes (outfits including, pants, socks, trousers, tops) nappies, wipes, nappy cream.
Children bringing nappies can we recommend that you provide 5 to avoid your child running out, also enough wipes to at least last the duration of the day.
Can we please ask that children’s bags are not too big, we only have limited space for storage and we have lots of children attending.
Please ensure that all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Indoor and outdoor shoes
We ask that children are provided with a separate pair of indoor shoes (if you decide to bring slippers these must fit your child’s feet and not be a trip hazard) and wellies or separate shoes for outdoors. Ensure that they are clearly labelled with your child’s name. We want to reduce the spread of germs and keep the indoor areas/carpets clean leaving mud outdoors.
Nursery fees
Fees are required to be paid a month in advance however, we appreciate that this may be difficult therefore, if this is not possible fees must be paid weekly prior to your child attending. If fees are not paid in advance your child will not be allowed to stay for their session. In addition to this, any late payments will be charged at £10 per week. If continuous missed payments occur you are at risk of your child’s place being withdrawn.
Please ensure that you inform nursery if your child is going to be absent. This may be due to a holiday, a day trip or sickness. You can notify us via phone, text, whatsapp or email.
If your child is absent due to holiday, illness or a day at home you will still be charged for this session, this includes additional hours during non-funded weeks, for example if your child receives 15 hours funding but attends for 18 hours per week, during non-funded weeks you are still expected to pay for the additional 3 hours therefore, we encourage you to use these additional hours and book your child in.
We are only able to give prescribed medication to your child whilst they are at nursery, this means that the medication needs to have a prescription label with your child’s name clearly stated and the required dosage of medication. We cannot give over the counter medication, this includes medication such as cough syrup, calpol and nurofen. If your child requires long term medication such as an inhaler, we will require a health care plan to enable us to administer this. You can get this from your child’s health visitor.
Please refrain from giving your child medication such as calpol prior to coming to nursery as this can mask symptoms of illness.
We have a nursery mobile device with whatsapp on, this enables us to send group messages with important updates/information. To enable parents are given the same information you will be added into a group for your child as opposed to separate messages to each parent/carer. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.
Please ensure that you have logged into your child’s tapestry account, for new starters parents will have received an email with login details to activate your account.
Staff will add weekly newsfeeds where you can see photos of activities the children have been participating in throughout the week (please note; your child may not be on all of the photos). During focus weeks you will receive more detailed information which is personal to your child and their development, this will also include information about their next steps of development and how you can support this at home.
Tapestry is also lovely for you to share with us any photos or updates of achievements, day trips, milestones reached at home.
We regularly update our website with information regarding nursery, it may be parents letters, dates to remember or photos of activities that the children have particularly enjoyed. You can subscribe to the website to enable you to receive notifications of when updates are added to the website.
Management- Sam, Clare
Deputy Manager- Kirsty
Babies/Toddlers- Kirsty, Vicky, Nicola, Izzy, Molly
Preschool- Jade, Lauren, Chloe, Jess, AJ
SENDco- Jade/Chloe
Congratulations to Lauren and Jason on their recent wedding, we wish them lots of happiness for the future.
Jade is still on maternity leave at the moment and is enjoying popping in regularly to visit the children.
15 hour funded places for 2,3 and 4 year olds
Funded hours will be offered between 8.30-11.30am and 1-4pm, any hours before, in between and after these times will be charged at the hourly rate. If for example you would like your child to have their funded sessions in the morning but would like them to stay for lunch you have the option to book them in 8.30-1 (space dependent) your child would receive funding 8.30-11.30am and you would pay from 11.30-1pm.
If your child will be attending solely for 15 hours these hours will be offered as 5 morning sessions or 5 afternoon sessions. All funding information can be accessed next to the handwashing station outside.
30 Hours Funding
From September 30 hours funding will be offered as 30 hours per week, across 5 days for 38 weeks of the year. Funding will be offered between the hours of 8.30-11.30am and 1-4pm. Children are able to do a full day however, anything either side and in between the funded hours will be payable at the hourly rate. Please note that there are limited spaces allocated for 30 hour funding, children do not automatically receive this at our setting even if you have applied for it and been accepted. We offer 30 hours to 10% of our intake, once these spaces are filled you will be placed onto a waiting list. Please be mindful that just because you are entitled to it does not mean that we will have the availability to offer it.
Funded childcare entitlements following the spring 2023 budget announcement
On 15th March 2023, the Government announced changes to help with childcare costs for working parents. This stated that working parents in England will be able to access 30 hours of subsidised childcare per week, for 38 weeks of the year, from when their child is 9 months old until they start school.
This will be introduced in stages:
From April 2024- all working parents of 2 years olds can access 15 hours funded childcare per week.
From September 2024- all working parents of children aged 9 months up to 4 years old can access 15 hours funding per week.
From September 2025- all working parents of children aged 9 months up to 4 years old can access 30 hours of funded childcare per week.
Please be mindful that just because you are entitled to it does not mean that we will have the availability to offer it.
Preschool Graduation
We would like to wish all of our preschool leavers the best of luck in their new adventure as they transition to school. We will be having a Graduation party for school leavers on 17th July 4-5pm. If you would like your child to attend please book their place by Friday 5th July. This will be charged at £6 per child, children will have a meal of chicken nuggets and chips included.
Graduation photos
Preschool leavers will be having a graduation photo taken, these can be purchased at £2 per child. If you would like to order a photo of your child please order this by Friday 5th July. Each child will be able to order one photo each, additional photos may be sourced dependent on numbers.
For children that are due to start school in September, we will be focusing more on phonics, numbers, letters, name writing and skills of independence such as; putting on shoes, fastening clothing, using cutlery, toileting, holding a pencil correctly. Children should no longer be using dummies or bottles as this impacts upon children’s speech, language and overall health and development. Children will be participating in small group activities learning rhymes to support their development with letters, sounds and numbers.
Children with EAL and SEND will also be doing some small group activities to support their individual learning targets including the use of widget cards and Makaton.
Toilet training
We have lots of children toilet training at the moment and we are keen to support your children through this stage of their development. Can we encourage that when transitioning from nappies to pants you begin with having a potty visible for your child to use at home and encourage them to use this at each nappy change (we will do this at nursery too), you may then progress to them wearing no nappy at home and encouraging the potty at regular intervals eventually into wearing pants. Once your child is confident in using the potty regularly without wearing a nappy we will support this at nursery. Please ensure that you provide your child with plenty of spare clothes, pants and socks.
As a setting we follow in the moment planning, this allows us the opportunity to make a real difference to children’s learning by seizing the moments when children first show interest and curiosity and immediately supporting their next steps.
Planning in the moment is nothing new, it is exactly what a responsive parent does every day with their child, it is also exactly what a skillful practitioner has always done. Every time an adult looks and listens to a child, they are assessing and planning how to respond. The adult will consider whether they can add anything in the moment to benefit the child (a teachable moment). If so, they will respond and interact accordingly.
Please use the link provided to broaden your understanding of the Early year’s curriculum and age related expectations noted in the early years outcomes. https://foundationyears.org.uk/files/2021/09/What-to-expect-in-the-EYFS-complete-FINAL-16.09-compressed.pdf
Book library
Please take the time to access our book library with your child. This gives you the opportunity to come in and help your child to choose a book that they can share with you at home. It would be great to see photos/videos of your child enjoying their library book at home, this can be shared via their tapestry or via the nursery mobile via whatsapp.
Oral health bear
In turn children will be bringing home our oral health bear. Along with the bear, there will be a tooth brush and healthy eating games. We hope you enjoy sharing the oral health bear with your child and talking about healthy choices. Please use the book provided to share photos of your child with the oral health bear this allows them to share their experiences with their peers. You can also add photos to your child’s tapestry.
Creative Flair
On Thursday mornings 11-11.30am preschool children participate in creative flair music and movement sessions. All staff that attend to provide the music and movement sessions are DBS checked. Sessions are at a cost of £2 per week and is payable in cash.
If you have any of the following resources that you no longer require we would be grateful of donations:
Artificial grass
Garden paint
Superhero toys
Bird boxes
Artificial flowers
Watering can
Seeds for planting
Garden decorations such as windmills, wind chimes etc
We are also looking for affordable suggestions on how to store our wellies in our outdoor area.
Dates to remember
17th July- Preschool graduation 4-5pm (for preschool leavers only)
22nd July- 30th August- no funding for 15 hour funded children
12th– 16th August– only 12 hours of funding available for 30 hour funded children
19th August- 30th August– no funding for 30 hour funded children
2nd September- All children return to nursery
Thank you for your continued support.
Many thanks
Sam and Clare