Parents Letter March 2020



Parents Letter March 2020


Dates to remember!


23rd March- Mothers Day Stay and Play 9.30-10am (places are limited please book a place with the office by Wednesday 18th March 2020).


6th April – 17th April Easter half term no 15 hours funding (30 hour funded children are in as normal) any children who usually attend for additional hours will still need to pay for those additional hours).


Easter raffle- We will be having an Easter raffle to raise money for a new nursery pet. Tickets will be on sale from Monday 30th March at a cost of £1 per strip. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 23rd March. If you have any unwanted gifts or anything that you wouold like to donate please bring it to the office by 26th March.


Nursery will be closed for Bank holidays: Friday 10th & Monday 13th April 2020.



Please ensure you notify us of any changes to contact details. This includes contact details and address.

Please ensure that you label your child’s belongings clearly and provide them with appropriate clothing such as coats, wellingtons, hats etc.

When entering the building please buzz to announce that you are here, only pull the door when you hear the buzzer sound and please make sure the door is completely shut when leaving.


Two-year developmental checks

Please ensure that you inform your child’s key person prior to any two-year checks with their health visitor, nursery staff will have information that you will need to give to the health visitor.


Lunch and snacks

We would like to remind you that children will be required to bring a packed lunch on Wednesdays until further notice. Please ensure that your child’s lunch has healthy snacks for example, sandwich, piece of fruit, yoghurt, packet of crisps. If your child brings grapes ensure that this are cut in half, we also ask that you do not send nuts, we also cannot reheat or warm up foods from home therefore, we do not recommend that children bring in cold chicken nuggets or pizza.



Please ensure that you inform nursery if your child is going to be absent. This may be due to a holiday, day trip or sickness. You can notify us via phone, text, whatsapp or email.

If your child has had sickness and/or diarrhea please ensure that they remain absent from the setting for 48 hours from their last bout of illness to ensure that this is not passed on to other children and staff. Fess are still payable during absence or sickness .

If your child is absent due to holiday or sickness you will still be charged for this session.



We are continuing to work with children with regard to hand washing regimes. Children are encouraged to cover up coughs and sneezes and wash their hands afterwards. Hand washing leaflets have been sent home with all children, if you require another please see us.

The nursery is cleaned daily and at the weekend, all resources that children access are cleaned on a regular basis. Surfaces touched frequently such as door handles, hand rails and gate latches are cleaned throughout the day.

Please ensure that children remain at home if they are unwell.



Please activate you tapestry account; ensure that you are checking your child’s tapestry so that you are aware of your child’s learning and development and how you may support their next steps.


30 hours funding

Please ensure to reconfirm your code every 3 months to ensure that you continue to receive funding for your child. It is recommended that you continue to do this until your child is attending school.


15 hour funding

We have spaces available for two year funding. If your child is eligible for this please speak to the office to book sessions.



Tamsin Simpson photography will be in the setting 25th June. If your child is already attending during sessions on this day they will automatically be photographed. If your child is not in and you would like them to be photographed you can bring them along between 10-11am. If you do not want your child to be photographed, please inform the office.



We would like to thank you for your continued support.


Many thanks

Sam and Clare