We would like to thank you all for your support and understanding last week whilst some staff and children had to isolate. We wanted to reassure you that the staff and children from different bubbles do not mix at any time during their sessions and extra measures are in place to reduce the spread of the virus including, hand washing stations prior to entering the setting, regular hand washing throughout the day, regular temperature checks, cleaning is carried out throughout the day and deep clean at the end of the session. In addition to this, parents/carers are encouraged to wear a face covering whilst on the nursery premises and staff will be wearing a face covering during hand over at the door.
Please can we remind parents/carers that if your child appears to be unwell or displaying symptoms of illness such as, a cough, sneezing regularly, runny nose, temperature, sickness or diarrhoea you please keep them at home until they are clear of all/any illness. If your child is displaying any symptoms of Coronavirus, please inform us as soon as possible and we advise to get them tested for the virus.
Can we also remind you that children do access the outdoor environment during their nursery sessions regardless of the weather conditions therefore, please ensure that they have suitable clothing and footwear for the weather and that these items are clearly labelled with your child’s name. We would ask that children have a warm winter coat, hat, scarf and gloves and suitable outdoor shoes/ wellingtons for the current weather conditions.
We hope that the children enjoyed the snow at the weekend, please remember to share your photos with us via tapestry.
Jack in the box
January 27, 2021