Dear Parents/Carers
We would like to thank you all for your patience and understanding during the current time. We appreciate that parents/carers are ensuring that children are using the hand washing station prior to entering the setting, we have purchased a gazebo to provide some shelter with the wetter weather.
We have also noticed that some parents/ carers are wearing masks at drop off and collection times, thank you for reading our previous information letter. This is a recommendation from Warwickshire to encourage the community to keep Warwickshire safe.
If we could remind all parents and carers to ensure they are keeping upto 2 metres apart when waiting to collect your child and use the buzzer system. If you can step back once using the buzzer system this will allow for the next person to access this.
If you feel that it is too busy during your drop off time please contact us and we can stagger drop off times to avoid over crowding at the entrance.
We would also like to recommend that parents/carers DO NOT park outside the front of the nursery, it is a very busy road and we would like to avoid any dangers to children and parents attending the setting. We have a car park which can be accessed via Earls Road (the entrance can be found just after the new houses on the right, there is a gap in the hedges).
When waiting on the playground if parents/carers could please avoid children touching or using the equipment as the equipment needs to be cleaned between outdoor play sessions for each bubble group to prevent any spread of infection.
In addition to this, if your child brings a packed lunch to nursery please ensure this is in a wipe able container and is clearly labelled with the child’s name. We would like to avoid plastic bags being brought into the setting. Children’s bags containing change of clothes, nappies, wipes etc can remain at nursery throughout the week to reduce cross contamination each day.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
Many thanks
Sam & Clare