Halloween Fun Week

We will be having a halloween fun week for the children week beginning 19th October

Halloween Fun Week

W/B 19/10/20

Throughout the week, children will be participating in some Halloween activities.

  • Pumpkin, spider and Frankenstein printing
  • Decorating pumpkins
  • Halloween biscuits
  • Halloween sensory tray (Monster stew)
  • Lentil Jack-O-Lanterns
  • Children are welcome to dress up throughout the week


We would like to raise some money for the nursery enabling us to purchase some nursery pets for the children to care for within the play rooms. Therefore, we would ask that £1 per child is donated to achieve this goal.

Our end goal is to have two hamsters one for toddlers/babies and one for preschool. Obviously, this depends upon the money raised.


Many thanks

Jack in the box