Phased reopening of nursery

Please take the time to read the parents letter with regard to the phased reopening of the setting.


Dear Parents/ Carers,

Firstly, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support during this time. We hope that you and your families are well and keeping safe.

Throughout this period, our team have continued to be readily available providing support for your child’s learning and development. In addition to this, Sam, Kirsty and Chloe have continued to work within the setting caring for children of keyworkers during this period.

Following the Prime Ministers broadcast on Sunday I am sure that many of you have lots of questions in relation to the government’s desire to welcome more children back to early years settings.
The statement was very clear that the phased return of children will only happen if there is further progress in the fight against coronavirus.

As a result we are following published guidance from The Department for Education (DfE) on how to begin to open safely for more children. Including; guidance for education and childcare settings, guidance on implementing protective measures and guidance for parents and carers.

Following this guidance we are planning and preparing to gradually reopen from 1st June. However, it is important to emphasise that this will not simply be the flick of a switch to return to normal.

Therefore, special measures that we intend to put in place include:
1. Measures in place to achieve distancing (phased reopening and limited groups in particular areas)
2. Good hygiene practice throughout (PPE, regular cleaning, hand gel)
3. Rules around drop off and collection (Parents will not be allowed in the building, 2m distance when waiting at the door)
4. How we respond to a suspected or confirmed case (Policy and risk assessment. Please ensure if your child is unwell or displaying a temperature you must keep them at home).

We will continue to provide care for children of keyworkers and are looking to initially offer places to school leavers (we have already contacted these parents). However, we would also like to gain insight as to whether you will intend for your child to return to nursery this summer term (when places are offered). Therefore, if you could please inform us via text message/whatsapp to the nursery mobile by Monday 18th May this would be greatly appreciated.
We would like to make it clear that places will be offered to working parents prior to non-working parents during our phased reopening, we will continue to update you as and when things change. If you inform us that you do intend for your child to return but then change your mind 3 weeks notice will be required to enable us to manage the furloughed staff.

We will continue to keep you informed throughout this process. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Sam and Clare